Zubne krunice

dental crowns

Zubne krunice

What is dental crown treatment in turkey?

Turkey is well known for its tourism sector but that’s not only thing in which this country surpassed other countries; Medical tourism Is one of the key strengths of Turkey. Every year there are millions of tourists visit Turkey for medical purpose besides their holidays, Dental treatment Is one of them. The quality standard, Highly Innovative Infrastructure technology and highly professional dentist one of the main reasons to attract tourist from all over the world.

Procedure started with filing the tooth some part of the outer layer is then removed the technician/dentist will take the Impressions of your teeth and then forward those Impression to their Lab facility where your crowns will be made. Meanwhile, a temporary crown will be fitted to cover the teeth for damage.

During the procedure dentist will make sure that you do not feel any discomfort. Still there might some risks have associated with the procedure. There could be a chance of Infection in gum If already having some gum issues due to which It may cause bleeding where the crown will be fitted. Usually in Turkey most clinics used numbing injections Instead of anaesthesia to cater the reaction, might feel some discomfort after the placement of crown pain killers will be provided to keep the pain minimum in most of the cases.

Dental crown İs a method to restore flawed, uneven and damage teeth and to give it look which resemble natural teeth crown will be required when there is a cavity started to take place which affect on tooth health and reset in decay and loss of tooth ultimately. Impression will be made and then the crown will be placed on top of teeth to protect them from cavity and other problems.

Before the Innovation in Dental Industry dental metal crowns which are made of metal like gold and silver are used for restoration purpose, but they are not matched with the teeth colour and provide a very unpleasant appearance while smiling. Today almost everywhere for dental restoration crowns made from porcelain zirconium fused into metal are being used to give a smile you desired for. There are multiple shades available which you can choose from to match your existing teeth colour. 4

Apparently, there is no age limit having a dental crown. If teeth are uneven, damaged and started to decay one can have a crown to protect It from further damaged.

There is hardly anything in the crown treatment which can possibly go wrong for Instance one might feel sensitivity and discomfort after the crown has placed this Is because the numbing effect will be starting to fade away steadily. Sensitivity to heat and cold if the crown still has nerve In It.

It will protect the teeth form decay also better then direct filling method which might cause fracture to teeth due to extensive filling gives you symmetrical aesthetically appealing smile and last long enough. The procedure itself is irreversible which required certain portion of teeth to be file down for crown preparation and process is costly compared to filling treatment and other restoration treatment. 


Recovery time or Healing time

Usually, it does not require much time to heal as compared to dental Implants which takes up-to 2-3 month to heal. It will take approximately one week for crown to adjust and then you will normal as usual.

You will be started to feel difference as the time goes by usually the crown is settled and work as a normal tooth. After 1- or 2-month routine check-ups will be made to local dentist If treatment done by other country to make sure that there Is any problem, or any bacteria develop around that area. After 8- or 10-years crown will be replaced If needed, as different material has different life span longest It can last 15 years.

Slight discomfort and sensitivity crown might chip and loose in near future, if not fitted properly those who are allergic to metal may find it difficult to adjust with them, but it can sort later.

Crown might get chipped and fall out infection started to develop in the surrounding area If the oral health not been taken care of properly.

The process is minimally painful numbing Injections are being used to sedate the area for the treatment, so you feel nothing while undergoing treatment. 


Turkey Cost Price

Cost is another reason to choose Turkey not just for dental treatment but for any treatment that matter. Usually, an average for having crowns in turkey start from $2500 to all the way up-to $5000 depending on the different material you choose to have. Compare to UK and USA the cost of treatment is one third what you will be paying there for same treatment

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